BOLA flip page catalog
BOLA flip page catalog
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Standard plus: our modifications

The BOLA range already offers a huge choice of products and a wide range of accessories for different applications. Moreover, we offer you to adapt our standard products according to your requirements. Sometimes it is only a small detail that has to be modified or added - such as another thread size or a smaller bore diameter.

Your benefit is an individual product as well as fast availability due to short-term realization of the modification. And what is your special request? We will be pleased to assist you: Just give us a call 0049 9346 9286-0 or use the inquiry form.

Additional sealing: The o-ring provides better sealing and strong seating in the ground joint cone.

Belly-shaped bottles provide additional capacity. At the same time, the dimensions of the lid remain unchanged so that existing equipment can be used for filling and emptying.

A standard U-shaped blade has been enlarged to a window-shaped blade for improved mixing.

Female, male or vice versa? We are able to offer a counterpart to all our standard components, no matter whether you need a thread or a ground joint to be modified.

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