BOLA Distributors for Canisters – what you should know about.
These distributors are ideal for drawing liquids from canisters and for distributing these liquids to several vessels.
They consist of a screw cap for canister threads and a movable body with three GL-threaded necks. The threaded necks allow the connection of tubing or tubes made of glass, metal, or plastic by means of BOLA Laboratory Screw Joints. The distributor can also be integrated into a pressure or vacuum system.
A possible unevenness of the canister thread is adjusted by an o-ring behind an elastic sealing lip, and the canister is closed tightly. The product is only exposed to the body of the distributor.
The special clou: the body of the distributor can be turned independently from the screw cap. This means, that the completely assembled distributor can be removed and fixed on another canister without the risk of disarranging the tubing.